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Healthy IDEAS

An Evidence-Based Practice


The Healthy IDEAS (Identifying Depression, Empowering Activities for Seniors) program integrates depression awareness and management into existing case management services provided to older adults. Healthy IDEAS uses evidence-based practice to identify and address depression symptoms in those most at risk of being unrecognized and under-treated for depression. Program components include (1) screening for symptoms of depression & assessment of severity of symptoms; (2) educating older adults and primary caregivers; (3) referral, linkage and follow-up to primary care and mental health service providers; and (4) behavioral activation intervention. Healthy IDEAS brings together community service providers, the mental/behavioral health community, and healthcare practitioners to provide a low-cost, practical way for addressing depression among older people.

Goal / Mission

The goal of Healthy IDEAS is to detect and address depression through effective, evidence-based screening and health promotion education.


Studies show that after 6 months in the Healthy IDEAS program, significantly more of the participants knew how to get help for depression (93% versus 68%), reported that increasing activity helped them feel better (89% versus 72%), and reported reduced pain (45% versus 16%) than at the beginning.

Results / Accomplishments

In a study evaluating the Healthy IDEAS program, researchers found that the intervention was effective in detecting and reducing depressive symptoms. The study's key outcome measures included general health status, social and physical activation, and mental health services. Measurements were taken at baseline and at 6 months. Mean Geriatric Depression Scale—15 scores differed significantly between baseline and 6 months (9.0 versus 5.5). At 6 months, significantly more participants knew how to get help for depression (68% versus 93%), reported that increasing activity helped them feel better (72% versus 89%), and reported reduced pain (16% versus 45 %).

About this Promising Practice

Care for Elders
Primary Contact
Health / Older Adults
Health / Mental Health & Mental Disorders
Care for Elders
Date of publication
Geographic Type
Houston, TX
For more details
Target Audience
Older Adults
Coastal Georgia Indicators Coalition